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Meet Disha Dureja(she/her)

Program and Location:

Spring, Oxford University; Oxford, UK


Economics Major, Political Science and Data Science Minor

Why did you choose to study abroad?

I chose to study abroad because I am fascinated by different cultures and love to chase fulfilling experiences. I had previously visited Oxford as a part of a NC State program and fell in love with the campus and people. I then decided to come back for an entire term!

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned I am a very flexible and adaptable person. Through my experiences with challenging course work, adjusting to a new country, and traveling issues, I stayed resilient and was able to persevere through difficulties. I feel much more confident in my abilities to be an independent traveler in addition to feeling comfortable living alone.

What was one of your favorite parts of your program?

My favorite part of my program was exploring extracurriculars as Oxford and meeting new people! I quickly joined the Philosophy Society when I arrived and frequently attended lectures and free discussions. I met so many intellectual and kindhearted people through the experience.

What advice do you have to future study abroad students?

My advice to future study abroad students is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. I felt very privileged to be able to study abroad and therefore pushed myself to make the most of it. Trying new things will help you grow personally and allow you to learn new things about yourself.

How were your classes abroad different than if you would have taken them at NC State? Did you take any field trips or do anything outside of the traditional classroom?

Academic life is very unique at Oxford. Classes are called tutorials and only take place once a week in a one-on-one fashion with your professor aka your tutor. This one-on-one dynamic allows you to grow close with your tutor and have a personalized educational experience. My work was challenging however it was deeply fulfilling as well.

Would you do it again?

I would love to go back to Oxford!