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Race & Ethnicity

Racial and ethnic perceptions and experiences vary by culture and country. For some students, it may be the first time in the position of being in the minority or in an underrepresented racial or ethnic group. Others may experience the opposite and become a part of the majority group for the first. Just like life in the United States, students may encounter some discrimination during their experiences abroad. It is important to do your research to prepare for experiences that can be both challenging and rewarding. It helps you to be aware of the variety of views and perspectives that could be positive, negative and everything in between.

Things to consider

  • Which ethnic and racial groups do I identify with, and how are they perceived in my host country?
  • What are the dominant racial and ethnic groups in my host country? Will I be in the majority or minority? How will this affect how I am treated?
  • What is the history of the host country in regard to race and ethnicity? How does it currently affect the climate in the host country today?
  • How might other parts of my identity besides my race and ethnicity affect my experience abroad?

Additional Resources

We have curated some additional resources, including networks, articles, blogs, etc. As you explore the impact that your identity will have on your study abroad experience, feel free to check out the information below.

Students comfortable exploring their identity here at NC State will be better prepared to engage with the issues raised above. To best prepare, you may want to consider working through identity-related questions and topics with campus resources. The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs is a great place to start.

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