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Gender roles can differ from country to country and culture to culture. Traditional gender roles often inform the way a specific gender is expected to act, dress, speak, and navigate with the social and cultural norms of a culture. Your gender may have an impact on who and how you are able to interact with others in your host country and culture. There may also be a difference in the way you are treated as a foreigner rather than a local person of the same gender. Thus it is important for both men and women to research the laws, customs, societal norms of gender roles and dynamics in your host country. It is also important to observe social cues from the local people in your host country.

Things to consider

  • What are the laws, customs, and societal norms of my gender in my host country?
  • What are the attitudes and expectations for women, men and transgender people in my host culture?
  • Do cultural dynamics favor and give a certain gender more privilege? How could that affect how I am perceived and treated abroad?
  • Are their any safety concerns and/or issues related to my gender that I need to be aware of?

Additional Resources

We have curated some additional resources that include networks, articles, blogs,  etc. As you explore the impact that your identity will have on your study abroad experience feel free to check out the information below.

Students who are comfortable with exploring their identity here at NC State will be better prepared to engage with the issues raised above. In order to best prepare, you may want to consider working through identity-related questions and topics with resources on campus. NC State’s Women Center is a great place to start.