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Academic Advising for Study Abroad

  • We encourage all academic advisors to ask their students if they’ve considered study abroad during their advising sessions. (See also Benefits of Study Abroad).
  • Help students identify the best time to study abroad based on their degree plan.
  • Are there specific courses that would work well for the student to take abroad?
  • Talk to students about study abroad and its benefits. In addition to the personal benefits, how will it enhance their degree? How will it enhance their intended career?
  • Students should get involved globally while on campus to prepare for their international experience, students should check out these On-Campus Global Opportunities.
  • Do you teach a class or advise a student group? Invite a PackAbroad Ambassador to come to your class.
  • Many students will benefit from assistance from their advisor to process how study abroad has impacted them – it can be a transformative, yet challenging experience that continues to affect them upon return. Advisors can support students by asking some targeted questions to help students reflect upon their experience and by providing a listening ear.
  1. Tell me one highlight of your academic experience abroad – tell me something you learned?
  2. Was there anything that really surprised you about living abroad?
  3. What did you think of your classes when you studied abroad?
  4. Do things feel different now that you’ve returned back to campus?
  5. How do you feel about your continued studies and career plan now that you’ve returned?
  6. What’s something you wish you would have done differently?
  7. Do you have any advice for other _____ majors who are considering study abroad?

NC State Major or College-Specific resources


The Study Abroad Office partners with Academic Units to develop resources that highlight the best-fit study abroad programs for students based on academic discipline.

Help us to keep the Area of Study resources up to date. If an advising resources does not yet exist for your students, contact us and we would love to develop one.

We also welcome invitations to faculty/department meetings for dialogue on integrating study abroad into the curriculum.