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Meet Maria van de Louw

Home Institution & Study Abroad Term

Fall, University of Copenhagen, (Copenhagen, Denmark)



Why did you choose to study abroad?

To experience American culture and education, and be closer to my American partner.

What did you learn about yourself?

To relax and have fun around my peers. I am way more confident about meeting new people now than I was before.

What was one of your favorite parts of your program?

Overall, all the events for exchange students, and also experiencing an American classroom.

Did you live on campus or off campus? What was your experience like?

I lived off campus at an apartment complex. It was expensive but close to the Wolfline and a supermarket, so it functioned perfectly.

Did you have a meal plan while you were at NC State? Do you have advice for incoming students on choosing a meal plan?

I did not purchase a meal plan, since I mainly bought groceries and cooked by myself at my apartment.

What advice do you have for future incoming exchange students?

Be as open-minded as possible. Experiencing a new culture is a lot of fun, so keep in mind to balance schoolwork and social events!

How were your classes at NC State different than if you would have taken them at your home university? Did you take any field trips or do anything outside of the traditional classroom?

The classes at NC state are discussion-based and actively participating in class discussions affect your grade. This is not something that is used at University of Copenhagen. All that matters in Copenhagen is your final exam grade, but at NC state, all the work you do across the semester adds up to your final grade. We had field trips to the special collections at the D.H. Hill library, which was a lot of fun.

Would you do it again?
