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Meet Philip Vasto (he/him)

Program and Location:

Spring, Stellenbosch University; Stellenbosch, South Africa


Chemical Engineering Major

Why did you choose to study abroad?

I had always wanted to challenge myself to see if had the ability to study, live, and thrive in a country outside of the U.S. I picked South Africa, because I had been to other African countries like Tanzania, and out of all the countries I could have studied in, South Africa seemed to me like the most exciting and adventurous destination.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned not to doubt myself and try the things I really want to do, and studying abroad in South Africa helped me do that. I learned how to adapt to a different environment and a different method of learning, and I also learned how to thrive and make friends in a place where I don’t know anyone.

What was one of your favorite parts of your program?

Learning about other cultures and getting to travel across South Africa were among my favorite parts of the program. While in Stellenbosch, I befriended local South Africans as well as international students from places like Belgium and Finland and learned so much about their cultures! I also made the most of my time in South Africa, traveling, hiking and horse-riding around the country, while making stops at the stunning Victoria Falls and mountain kingdom of Lesotho.

What advice do you have to future study abroad students?

Take chances and make friends who are different from you. While studying abroad, I met many American students, but I did not fall into the trap of only spending time with people who are like me. I spent time with South African, French, Finnish, German and Belgian students. If you only spend time with people like yourself, then you might as well stay home. The purpose and opportunity in studying abroad is escaping your comfort zone and doing things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do.

How did your study abroad experience prepare you for your future career?

During my study abroad experience, I was the only American in a classroom full of South Africans. It was initially quite daunting to feel like an outsider, but it motivated me to stand out and leave an impression on my classmates, my instructors, and everyone I came across. Studying abroad prepared me for my future career by pushing me to leave an impression and be my best self in even the most unfamiliar environments.

Were you surprised by anything during your time abroad?

I was quite surprised by how challenging some of my coursework was. For example, at NC State, during chemical engineering exams, we’re usually allowed to use either notes or our textbooks. At Stellenbosch, every exam was closed-book, closed-note. It made for an exceptionally challenging experience, but it did push me to study course material in a different way from how I’m used to studying.

How were your classes abroad different than if you would have taken them at NC State? Did you take any field trips or do anything outside of the traditional classroom?

My classes were different from their NC State counterparts in how they decided my final grade. At NC State, in most classes the final grade takes into account exams, quizzes, projects, etc., while the final exam is only 30% of the grade. At Stellenbosch, the final exam is 50% of the grade, and if you don’t pass the final, you have to take a second final exam, so the stakes of a final exam are higher than anything I have ever been used to.

As for my life outside of the traditional classroom, I made sure to make the most of my time and travel around the country. During spring break, I bungee jumped from Bloukrans Bridge, the highest commercial bridge jump in the world, and ventured to Victoria Falls! And before the semester was over, I learned how to ride horses while visiting a ranch in the Free State province of the country.

Would you do it again?

If I weren’t starting my final academic year, and graduating in Spring 2025, I absolutely would!